Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration (2013-2014)

PM Award 2015
To achieve Total Financial Inclusion in West Tripura District, an initiative was launched in Tribal dominated Mandwi block in coordination with Banks, Common Services Centers, PRIs & NIC through tracking & identifying uncovered families as per eROR (e-Record of Ordinary Residence) and bringing them under banking facilities through brick & mortar branches & Branchless banking (CSCs/ USBs) in remote areas. 100% coverage has been achieved with CBS accounts & most of the benefits are now routed through the Bank accounts only. Initiative is being replicated in other blocks as well in the year 2014-15.
On April 21, 2015 for the Group Initiative in “Total Financial Inclusion in Mandwi Block of West Tripura District”
Name of the Awardees –
- Shri Abhishek Singh, IAS, District Magistrate & Collector, Tripura
- Shir Gitte Kiran Kumar Dinkarrao
- Shri Pramod Kumar Pal
- Shri Manohar Bishwas
- Shri Pradip Roy
Award Type : Gold
Award By:
Sri Narendra Modi, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
Winner Team Name:
District Administration, West Tripura District